These Dresses Will Make You The Sexiest Professional In And Out Of Work

The ideal has-it -all woman, is none other than superwoman. She’s a leader and great at direction. She won’t let anything get in her way. She exudes confidence, is drop dead sexy, in charge and powerful, all while keeping a professional front. Balance your femininity and professionalism with the reinvented Christy Dress.


The Christy Dress

Get the Christy Dress HERE.

Channel your most charismatic and in charge you. Imagine you are a CEO of a huge company. You strut through the office turning heads every which way you turn. You have an important meeting at 3 and a cocktail party at 5 taking place at one of the most luxe hotels New York City has to offer. Hair done, lips plumped, body slaying dress. That’s you in every way. Be THAT girl. The Christy dress embodies the powerful woman you know is inside you. Have everyone at the edge of their seat when you walk by… not the other way around.


Get the Cindy Dress HERE.
Be the Woman we all strive to be. The woman all feminist declare to be. The woman that is not only respected by her co-workers, but by her man. Take control of yourself and the world around you. “Wear the pants” in this incredible dress. Dress the part, to be the part.
Be Sexy. Be Bisou.
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